The Oak Sleeps in the Acorn
"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities."
— James Allen
Tributary to Branch Creek
The Wetland at Branch Creek, Study 2
"My temple is the swamp… When I would recreate myself, I seek the darkest wood, the thickest and most impenetrable and to the citizen, most dismal, swamp. I enter a swamp as a sacred place, a sanctum sanctorum… I seemed to have reached a new world, so wild a place…far away from human society. What’s the need of visiting far-off mountains and bogs, if a half-hour’s walk will carry me into such wildness and novelty."
— Henry David Thoreau
Flat Earth III
The Wetland at Branch Creek
"Take a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you."
— John Muir
Ephemeral Wetland #5
Mahany Wetlands #3
Mahany Open Space #2
"Unless action is taken soon - unless we can display the same vision of that earlier period - we will lose the treasure of California's open space and environmental beauty."
— Adam Schiff